Images can decieve us, our understanding of any happening based on any evidences might be wrong, what we think as strong evidences are might be trumped-up stories.
This is what "Gone Girl" is about. An intelligent game from an intelligent girl.
Movie story, which is taken from the novel of same name is engaging and enthralling. Though movie is purly made for entertaining the audience with thrills, it also throws a light on consequences of recession, husband-wife relationship, media-nowadays.
Movie in one angle looks like wild and disgrace to young minds. Having said that, I feel no regret in recommending this movie to anyone who want to watch thrillers. You should watch this movie for its wonderful direction and narration.
Acting of every actors is commendable. To pinpoint anyone's acting means, it is Rosamund Pike's ( Man! You should really watch the scene when she staggers and falls in her husband's arm with blood all over her body, after doing a heinous crime)
Go for this movie if you are a lover of thrillers.
Image courtesy: Google images.
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