01 August, 2014

A Silent Plea

(A six-year-old girl held a Barbie doll in both hands and gazed straight into its eyes.)

"Why, Barbie... Why? Why am I not as safe as you? They say education is a must these days, but I fear going to school, Barbie. It's not just school—I fear going outside, talking to men... I don't know whom to trust. Can you tell me, Barbie? What wrong have we done? People say we were civilized thousands of years ago, and I am in the most cultured society. Tell me, Barbie, is this what they call their culture? Is this the civilization they talk about? Feminism is what all women fight for, but now I feel we need more than just feminism—we need social security. Not only for women but also for children like me. Where is humanity? Animals behave better than us. I wish I could have been born like you, Barbie—like a toy, as safe as you are."

"Come for dinner, Putti," her Amma called from the kitchen.

She placed the Barbie toy on the table and walked towards the kitchen with a downcast face and a deeply wounded heart.

As she stepped outside the room, tears rolled down from Barbie's eyes (in which the longing soul of the Delhi gang rape victim resided).

2 Responses so far.

  1. vinayak says:

    After that event, people yet not stopped the inhuman behavior. Brutality is in pinnacle. The solution is simple, people should realize what is not right. If it does not stop then killing culprit in public won't be too cruel than the work of culprit.

  2. Rightly said vinayak...


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