06 July, 2014

Four-minute mile


There exist a wide gap between incapability and impossibility but unfortunately we will get confuse with both of them. Certainly some things are impossible ones, if I say man cannot live an eternal life you cannot argue on this because it is impossible, it is fact, and no one denies it. If I say it’s impossible for men to fly in sky you won’t simply accepts this, because you know what sky-diving is. It is incapability to not-to-fly not impossible to not-to-fly.

 It takes one man to make world realize that incapability was mistaken with impossibility and the moment world realizes, it accepts the fact and lives with that. Incapability is not really a fact-word it’s just a mind-word. Saying you are incapable to do something means it’s simply their presupposition on your capability and you are the one who really knows whether you can do it or not. Fortunately most often incapable ones are really capable ones, this is because nature has given us beautiful capability called adaptability and this is also a reason why we human beings still surviving on this earth.

Before 50's it was believed that it is impossible to run a mile in 4min. The experts who well studied about human body declared that human beings are not capable to run a mile in 4min, if anyone does so then he will suffer with great pain of breathing and ultimately die with burst of lungs. Feared with this thought no man ever tried to run a mile in 4min and this belief went on for thousands years until 1954. In 1954 a man named Roger Bannister ran a mile in 3min 59seconds and showed the world that it’s not only possible to run but there is also no danger in running a mile in 4min and within a year of his record 20 more persons broke the 4-minute mark and now it is like almost all Olympic participators achieve this time.

Reaching the moon, reaching to the bottom of ocean, discovery of plane are all falls in this category…

So what? you may ask..

Ummm..… I don’t know... I just said what I had in mind…

One Response so far.

  1. vinayak says:

    There need not be conclusions to every article. Here no conclusion to the article fits very well, as it shows everything is possible and there is no need to pin point on only one point or conclusion.


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